TrainThis month’s book was just the right entertaining bit of froth for holiday reading.  Not like last month, which lured us in with a holiday title and then turned all lurid on us.  David Baldacci tells a fun story that Les re-reads once a year and which had so many things to entertain us.  We all agreed that the train setting is the main reason this is such a fun book.  We reminisced about train rides we’ve taken and laughed over the “North By Northwest” references and the fallacy of large cabins.  Joan wants to go on a train trip now, particularly the Trans-Canadian one.  Though after reading this book, the Southwest Chief sounds pretty cool, too.

While a mystery, in that crimes were committed, there were no dead bodies.  Joan thought there was, but maybe it was just wishful thinking regarding that lawyer in the first part.

Some things felt forced and contrived and more than a little over the top. But we agreed that we didn’t care. There was high entertainment value here and the warm fuzzy feeling at the end was a bonus.

Favorite characters – The train, of course, Tom, Agnes Jo, Eleanor and Regina.

Least favorite characters – Lelia, we liked disliking the lawyer on the first leg, Max’s assistant, and, surprisingly, Tom.  But as Les pointed out, Tom is the only character that changed and grew.

See y’all next year!


4.5 stars1